Topics for Researching Our Creator in Earth Science
12 It is He who made the earth by His power, Who established the world by His wisdom; And by His understanding He has stretched out the heavens.
Jeremiah 10:12
Definition of EARTH SCIENCE
- : any of the sciences (such as geology, meteorology, or oceanography) that deal with the earth or with one or more of its parts
Courtesy of Merriam-Webster
How Old is the Earth?
Aenean non sapien felis, quis fermentum lorem. Phasellus faucibus aliquam justo ut porttitor. In mollis, turpis eu venenatis ornare, enim tellus pretium eros, quis lobortis nisi nisi vel libero.
Integer a ipsum magna, a pretium sapien. Proin eros nisi, lacinia vitae pharetra non, dapibus in eros. Maecenas blandit semper nisl eget elementum. Nunc lobortis ultrices pretium. Nullam euismod,
About Scientific Dating Methods
Vestibulum lacus enim, egestas nec accumsan a, congue ac mi. Proin id nisl nisl, non malesuada turpis. Curabitur neque elit, mattis a porta ut, fringilla ut velit.
Curabitur feugiat faucibus mi a cursus. Etiam eleifend erat et orci convallis vitae lobortis lacus tincidunt. Duis lobortis lacinia risus, et condimentum libero suscipit eu. Etiam vehicula hendrerit vehicula.
Evidence for the Great Flood
Praesent in magna quam, at scelerisque velit. Aliquam fermentum, nisl vel laoreet molestie, magna eros volutpat nisi, vitae ullamcorper orci neque ut massa. Nullam a nisi nibh, eget gravida orci.
Curabitur aliquet accumsan eros, nec viverra nisl pulvinar eleifend. Vestibulum dapibus consequat blandit. Morbi urna erat, volutpat vitae commodo vel, bibendum nec neque. Ut nunc nulla, dignissim sit
The Fossil Record
Praesent in magna quam, at scelerisque velit. Aliquam fermentum, nisl vel laoreet molestie, magna eros volutpat nisi, vitae ullamcorper orci neque ut massa. Nullam a nisi nibh, eget gravida orci.
Curabitur aliquet accumsan eros, nec viverra nisl pulvinar eleifend. Vestibulum dapibus consequat blandit. Morbi urna erat, volutpat vitae commodo vel, bibendum nec neque. Ut nunc nulla, dignissim sit
Our Creator in Ecosystems
Praesent in magna quam, at scelerisque velit. Aliquam fermentum, nisl vel laoreet molestie, magna eros volutpat nisi, vitae ullamcorper orci neque ut massa. Nullam a nisi nibh, eget gravida orci.
Curabitur aliquet accumsan eros, nec viverra nisl pulvinar eleifend. Vestibulum dapibus consequat blandit. Morbi urna erat, volutpat vitae commodo vel, bibendum nec neque. Ut nunc nulla, dignissim sit
Our Creator in the Water Cycle and weather
Praesent in magna quam, at scelerisque velit. Aliquam fermentum, nisl vel laoreet molestie, magna eros volutpat nisi, vitae ullamcorper orci neque ut massa. Nullam a nisi nibh, eget gravida orci.
Curabitur aliquet accumsan eros, nec viverra nisl pulvinar eleifend. Vestibulum dapibus consequat blandit. Morbi urna erat, volutpat vitae commodo vel, bibendum nec neque. Ut nunc nulla, dignissim sit
Science Topics
Suspendisse potenti.
Maecenas hendrerit tempus felis, vitae vulputate mi dapibus quis. Vestibulum auctor sapien sed lectus ullamcorper sed lectus ullamcorper malesuada.
Etiam vitae nibh libero.
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ATTENTION! - Very Important!
DO NOT just accept my words, or any other person's words or teachings for that matter. By all means, be a constructive skeptic, and study.
15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15
There is only one true Word.
14 The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 1:14
The record of the Word of God is given to us in the Holy Scriptures, inspired and infallible. Evaluate everything that is taught to you, everything! Measure what is told you against what is taught in the Bible. The Holy Bible was written by men who were individually selected by Almighty God, inspired by God's Holy Spirit to write God's words, infallable and incapable of being wrong, and is completely without error in its original autograph. The Bible is God's Word. With the Word of God, His Holy Spirit and prayer, you will be able to discern what is truth.
21 But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good;
1 Thessalonians 5:21
I am NOT an Apostle, or a Prophet, or a Worker of
Miracles, and I cannot speak or interpret "tongues".
I am just a seeker
of truth.
6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6
Jesus is the Truth. I am simply a disciple, a student, a follower of Jesus, Yeshua, the Son of GOD. Jesus is the Way to the Father, the Truth in ALL things, and the Life, Life now, and Life Eternal.
You can't change the truth, but the Truth can change You.
Yours in Christ,
Joel Thomas